Industrial Style Furniture: Contemporary Chic Or Rugged Steampunk?

Anything that’s got four legs need not be a mammal for it can also be a chair! That expensive one in your living room or maybe that customer friendly ones in your office or that rigid and rough and tough ones like in an industry! With industry style having been the latest trend from past few years, the Industrial furniture has taken the rigid and rough to an all new level. And, top of all, it goes well with almost any other style; be it traditional, eclectic, chic or even mid-century modern. These furnishing can work well in any type of home as long as you don’t overdo your choices.


It may be that:

-Crank Accent Table


-Accent specialized lamp or/and chair

-Iron Bench! which is all that you need to create an ultimate industrial chic look of your home interiors today.

Well, this industrial furniture has a history of its own about how it came into the rage and has managed to stay at the top ever since. Always high on demand and a particular arena where craftsmanship is all about that rugged look on the piece of wood – it simply exhibits dominance and becomes the centre stage, overpowering even the limelight furniture piece, which usually overshadows everything else in the room. Such powerful is the aura of industrial furniture!

Industrial furniture can be called anything but not conventional. It borders on a specific taste which is very different from the rest and yet strives the landmark for it is worth it.

Also, this furniture type is simply pastel in your eyes. Well, furniture is usually brown – no doubt and with the use of dyes and stuff it can be colored into various fashion and fun colors but the most ethnic and absolutely religious thing about industrial furniture is its varied use of the extremely pastel hues, something which makes it stand out in this world of so many choices.

–    Autumn branch
–    Chicago brick
–    Amber wood
–    Caderwood
–    Rough swan
–    Silver moss
–    Savory
–    Pawtucket

And simply much more…These are colors – secondary ones of course but mixed in such a way that furniture using this hue surely brings a sense of tranquility that you surely want your house or workplace to provide.

The present day Industrial modern furniture has been quite experimental and the outcomes are above average and bordering on more than satisfactory. Also, the space crunch issues that we dwell up on have been easily put off the worry list by interior designers and decorators who have realized that using industrial style furniture is not only classic yet chic to look at but it also conserves space.

Matte, pastel and unpretentious far away from shiny and stuff, industrial furniture is for one who believes in maximization to the next level with a touch of accent and accessories. It uses glass, as well as steel with no bars, holds and gives us something that simply isn’t so boringly office stereotyped anymore! From timepieces to wall hangings to styled accessories and that perfect lighting – industrial furniture look supports it all and that too with a touch of high-end sophistication and poise.

A piece of art and that too wooden art and a sizeable one at that can either stand out or blend it; Industrial furniture gives you the opportunity to choose between the former and the latter. One can use creative pieces that definitely catch the eye or play safe with the pastel and neutral colors that go easy on the eye. It all depends on what you choose to pick for your place.

In the end, furniture is all about you and your preferences along with a tinge of vibes that you want your house to emanate. So let it be the extension of your personality. Choose it wisely!